Lean Canvas

Here's the Lean Canvas Template I use.


Lean Canvas

Lean Canvas

How to fill it out

Fields Description
Problem The customers problems that we are solving (aim for three)
Solution The solutions to those problems
(Unique Value Proposition)
The things that make us different from competitors and make it so customers must buy from us
Unfair Advantage Something we have that competitors don't and would be very costly/difficult for them to replicate
Customer Segments The segment of customers this lean canvas is modeling
If there's more than one we might need to create a canvas for each
Key Metrics A set of metrics that we will monitor to determine success
Channels How we'll get our message out, things like social media campaigns, SEM/SEO, print ads, etc.
Cost Structure All costs needed to build and sell the product, things like salaries, fees, hardware, etc.
Revenue Streams How do we collect money? What will customers be willing to pay?


  • PDF
  • ODT (LibreOffice Writer, Microsoft Word, Google Docs)