Gnome Seahorse

You can use Gnome's Seahorse (Passwords and Keys) to handle SSH keys, this is particularly useful when working with GitHub.

  1. Open Password and Keys (this app is known as Seahorse)
  2. Click +
  3. Select Secure Shell Key
  4. Enter a description of the key
  5. Click Advanced key options
    • Set Encryption Type to RSA
    • Set Key Strength to 4096
  6. Click Just Create Key
  7. In a CLI (terminal)
    1. Install xclip:
      sudo apt install xclip
    2. Copy the key to your clipboard:
      cat ~/.ssh/{keyname}.pub | xclip -i -sel clip
  8. In GitHub
    1. Open SSH and GPG keys (
    2. Click New SSH key
    3. Enter a title
    4. Paste the key